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About Us

We Welcome All snowmobilers!

The River Valley Trailblazer’s are part of the Sno-Trails Association. We are a group of snowmobilers from the south/western suburbs of the Minneapolis metro area who are interested in social activities which of course include all things snowmobiles.  We are a 100% MnUSA based club.  Our dues are $40 – $20 goes to MnUSA and $20 stays with the club. 

​HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!  We are 50 years old this year.  Wow, how time flies or should we say as the “Snow flies”. 

We are an active club!

We assist Sno-Trails with trail maintenance. We are active in the community. Highway 69 is our adopted Highway.  We have helped out with our local town celebrations and don’t forget those parades.  And of course, we go on out of town snowmobile trips as well as ride locally around the Metro area.

We also assist the DNR in clearing the Minnesota Valley trails in the fall.  We bring 4-wheelers, bob cats and sometimes bigger equipment depending on the severity of the flood. 

If you like snowmobiling, then join us at one of our meetings and become a member.